Look who decided to come out of her room and eat breakfast with the pack this morning! I was making breakfast and all of the dogs were talking with excitement, and it must have been more than Gingersnap could resist because she came out of her room, all wiggly and tail wagging, and could not wait to join in the fun. I literally just started crying. This was the best thing ever.
Gingersnap had been coming to the bowls we left and eating for over a week now. She was very comfortable living outside the perimeter of the house, but had no desire to run away. She just didn’t really know who to trust, but she thought we might be somewhat OK. One day, I saw her in the back yard just at the bottom of the steps of the back porch. I was shocked that she was that close, so I slowly opened the back door and just stood there, frozen. After several minutes, I watched her walk up the steps and onto the back porch. She looked around, and then she came all the way onto the porch, and up onto the stoop of the back door. I could no longer hold my breath, and peeked my head around the corner, and she turned and left. DARN! Why did I do that? She probably would have walked into the house if I had remained still. Darn .
LOOK WHO'S HOME! Caught today, 12/23/12, 12 days after escaping.
12/31/12: So let me tell you about my baby girl Gingersnap. She loves her mommy now. First, you can see that she is sleeping on a fluffy dog bed and not in the floor anymore, and her body is stretched out and loose and not curled up in a ball. She has a little fear on her face in this pic, but it is from the camera and not me. Now when I go to her room, she starts wagging her tail when she sees me, and will lift her leg up and roll over for a tummy rub. She LOVES her tummy rubs. This morning I got her to eat treats out of my hand, and then she was kissing me all over my hand and arm. I had Angel and Bonnie with me, and Gingersnap gets very excited when she sees the other dogs. I called Gingersnap to come to me, and she got up, wiggling from shoulders to tail, and she came out of her safe room into the kitchen to take some treats from me and get petted. She won't do this for very long, and then she goes back into her room, but it's progress. She was almost playing with Bonnie this morning, exchanging face licks and bouncing around a little, and Gingersnap has a total crush on Wylie, oh my goodness does she come unglued when he goes to visit her. I think the next step will be to take her on leash into the living room with us and make her socialize a little more, and put her in the main yard with the other dogs. I'm very pleased with her progress, and she will be a regular pet before you know it.
You would never believe this girl.
Tonight she hung out in the kitchen all evening while hannah did her homework.
Then when she ( child ) went to sleep we had ice cream party
Ice cream is every night in this house.
Big news tho is tonight gingersnap after she went out by herself for peepee and came right back in - let me teach her how to eat ice cream off a spoon!!!
Did u ever think she would come so far so fast ??
She's awesome.
Hannah has been sleeping in the tv room with The dogs every night so she can bond to her.
She likes heathbar crunch :)